Keeping your Blonde cool toned

First and foremost, remember this; ALL hair will revert back to being warm. This is because the protein, a very necessary component in healthy hair, is yellow when it’s exposed during the lightening process. Now, if you're a much darker brunette yours will be much more yellow than someone with much lighter hair. If you are the latter (you lucky duck you) feel free to jump ahead to paragraph 3. If you are in the same camp as me, continue reading.

So, you asked for minimal warmth and you love the tone you went home with but now you’re terrified to wash it? Don’t be! Live la vida loca and listen to these rules: 1. Wash with cooler water, it doesn’t need to be polar plunge chilly but thank your skin, scalp and hair by not looking like a lobster when you’re washing your hair. 2. Use professional quality s&c (shampoo and conditioner), as your stylist I do recommend Reverie and K18. 3. Wear a hat! 4. Yes the pool + beach will fade you faster, again live your life but..4. Use a blue/purple shampoo for when the going gets real rough. These are color DEPOSITING not color SAFE so only use when needed. Blue is better for orange tones and purple is better for yellow (unless you’re getting Fanola in which case it’s the opposite and I am sorry for the confusion but I didn’t make those products). If all else fails please text/email me and if it’s been over 10 weeks we will talk about how you just need to come in for a toner! (Manicure package)

Alrighty mighty lucky one, your natural is light enough that the exposed protein shouldn’t get so yellow on you so fast (provided you are using salon quality shampoos and conditioners; Reverie and k18 are my favorite!) It will look different after a while and so to rectify that please use a colored shampoo such as a blue or purple one! They are not COLOR SAFE please don’t use them as a preventive, you are wasting your investment and stripping your toner out. Also, use those shampoos sparingly, they can and will dull your hair out. Use blue for silver/grey tones and purple to keep it cool but bright (unless you’re getting Fanola in which case it’s the opposite and I am sorry for the confusion but I didn’t make those products). Since you didn’t read the above; If all else fails please text/email me and if it’s been over 10 weeks we will talk about how you just need to come in for a toner! (Manicure package).

FOR EITHER PERSON this pro tip on oil for your hair (yes you should put oil on your ends!) if its yellow, brown, dark, it will stain your pretty blonde. I recommend Unites Blonde U-Oil, it’s purple tinted so it will actually negate yellow in your hair! Remember to also deep condition at least once a month.

Second Pro tip: Tap water sucks. Get a filter for your shower head! Especially if you are seeing your blond become orange or green. If needed use Malibus swimmer wellness to help remove the minerals causing the color to change.

Thanks for reading and being a client!


Taking care of your Brunette hair